COVID19 Protocols
We are sure you are tired of reading and talking about COVID19, however just because we are tired of talking about it does not mean we can ignore it. We want to assure all current and future practice members that we are doing our part to keep you all safe while in our office and under our care.
First, we are screening any new patient with our own COVID19 questionnaire to assess the risk level before appointments. Second, Nurture is performing temperature checks and health screenings on every individual who enters the building. Next, each of our practitioners is wearing medical-grade masks and observing the rules placed upon us by the Department of Regulatory Agencies during all of our appointments. Additionally, Nurture is requiring masks to be worn throughout the building by all personnel. Between each patient, we are performing regular cleaning of our treatment tools using isopropyl alcohol and an EPA approved disinfectant to wipe common surfaces, along with regular use of hand sanitizer and traditional hand washing. Lastly, we have altered our cancellation policy so that anyone experiencing symptoms feels comfortable to cancel their appointment without a financial burden.
We value your trust and your health!
-Dr. Taylor and Dr. Ashley